Re: [gardeners] OT sorta: Mother's Day (
Sun, 11 May 2003 22:01:11 -0400

George, why don't you put the inexpensive bird netting over 
your raspberries...?  It lasts forever ...

On Mother's Day I am glad that Jimmie got a lot of phone calls --
yesterday he was so depressed and insecure that he could not take a
step without both holding his cane and my hand. Today he seems
to have passed that stage. He's not used to being "sick" -- terrible
patient, actually -- and he expects to be ready to shovel snow by 
now, since it's already 12 days since his fall...  OTOH, he cannot
remember how to start a recording on the VCR -- I could swear
that he had a concussion, but the Cat Scan seems ok. 

And then he's freezing, suddenly. He climbs in the shower 4 times 
a day, just to warm up, with me standing right by just in case. The
whole thing is mighty scarey. 

The kids called from all over the States, and one of them came over
to share our pot luck supper. She walked into a bonanza most 
unexpectedly:  I had made real old fashioned plain chocolate pudding
for a Jimmie treat, and daughter hadn't tasted any in 20 years! 
Comfort food, it's called ....

We did have a nightmare in the kitchen for two days -- son-in-law
Gino sent me roses for Mother's Day, bless his young heart, and their
pungeant fragrance permeated the room completely. However, 
something spilled or spoiled in the fridge and I could not find it!  In
the end I had to take everything out and inspect it, and I found a
jar of sauerkraut whose lid had fallen off ...  Can you imagine the
roses and the kraut all broadcasting their song from one end
of the house to the other...??? Aaaaargh....

Next week will be better.

Penny, NY



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