I hear milk spray kills powdery or downy mildews. concentrations of 1/4 milk, 3/4 water usually does the trick. If it comes back, spray again. Margaret L >My sympathy for your poor roses, Ron. > >My tomatoes are not making flowers at the moment - it's been too >warm! But the fruits that are already set are happily ripening. The >peppers are, as you say, coming on like gangbusters. > >I always get powdery mildew. I had some cukes which produced very nicely >for me for a while, and then stopped - partly from neglect while I was >busy with medical stuff, but partly because they had the powdery >mildew. I pulled them. I have also pulled a squash - it produced very >nicely and hadnt stopped producing delicious yellow squashes but it had >the powdery mildew and was overgrowing its allotted space! A third squash >is mildly affected but continues to produce. > >In answer to your question about the absence of moisture, "powdery mildew >spores are carried by wind to new hosts. Although humidity requirements >for germination vary, all powdery mildew species can germinate and infect >in the absence of free water. In fact, spores of some powdery mildew fungi >are killed and germination is inhibited by water on plant surfaces for >extended periods." This quote is from the Powdery Mildew article at >http://ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7406.html > > > >Jeanne in S. Orange County, CA