Pete, Yes, no till is to not till or use minimum tillage of a field or garden. And yes, if you want to add "dry" manure and fertilizer, then it does need to be incorporated. With my gardens, I always tried to employ minimum tillage. Generally, you do have to till to plant row crops if the soil is tighter, such as clays, clay loams, loams, sandy clays and sand clay loams, etc. You should be able to get a general idea as to what type of soil you have through your local USDA-NRCS office (formerly SCS). They are the ones that publish the soil surveys. Most counties in US have been mapped for soil surveys. Basically, they can give you all the basic information on your soils and its free. You just need to be able to locate the location on a map so they can cross reference it and get the information that you need. No tilling covers a wide range of definitions. I try and keep to "minimum till" as far as giving a name. It's really difficult to say what extent would be usable to most folks without knowing something about the soils being dealt with. This is where the Ag. Extension Agent for your county will be handy. Their services are generally free for consultation purposes. They are funded through the University system. As far as fertilizing after establishment, this would be a question to ask the Ag Agent as to what they recommend for your area. Personally, I generally use dry fertilizers and water 'em in. I try to apply less fertilizer at more frequent applications. There is less loss in this manner. General rule of thumb is that any fertilizer applied, there is a 20% loss almost immediately, and it don't seem to matter too much if it's a garden or corn field. By adding less ferti at more frequent applications, you are feeding the plants along and cutting your losses even though you are adding to maintenance time for maintaining your garden. Clear as mud?? :-)) As far as the Funicide question, here again, I would advise you to talk to your local experts, be it the Ag Agent or your local nursery. It's been several years since I've been involved in production agriculture research, but I do know that there was extensive research in the area of "specific" fungicides. In other words, fungicides that would target specific fungii and not harm the beneficiaries. Hope this helps. Thanks Paul Reynolds