On Sun, 7 Mar 1999 16:27:18 -0500, you wrote: >>>You might get flammed for saying soap helps reduce bug >problems. I did. I use lemon scented dishsoap for aphids << > >I am reminded of my Grandfather, who was born in 1880, talking abut the >kitchen garden. It was just outside the kitchen door and in those days of >no indoor plumbing, dishwater was just thrown on the garden. With poultry >running loose, insects were devoured before they could get much headway and >a sprinkling of dust from the tobacco barn floor took care of the rest. >Free running dogs kept the critters away. Isn't it amazing how things come >around? > >Chuck Wyatt Can anyone tell me how I can get off this list. Thank you fatcat@4dcomm.com Thank you Lee