Thanks so much, Chuck, for your help and advice. Remember, I bought some seed from you this spring, but I bought it too late to plant for the spring planting. I am hoping to start my new seedlings soon, and your advice is just in time. Do you have any other advice for successfully growing tomatoes here in zone 9b (Houston, TX)? I hope to plant my seeds in a couple of weeks, then put them out around August 1. Thanks so much again, Richard Dillon -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of ChuckWyatt/Md/Z7 Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 5:59 AM To: Subject: [tomato] Advice on starting my nxt crop of Tomatoes There seems to be a lot of reluctance toward raising tomatoes from seed. This is unfortunate because it is a simple procedure that will pay for itself as well as open up all sorts of variety for the gardener. Then you can raise what you want, rather than the varieties the Garden Center wants to sell you. Your plants will be stronger and will be of the correct age to transplant. There are a few cautions, which if followed, will bring good results. I GUAAAAARAAAANTEEE! Many first time seed starters are stricken with Damping Off diseases. This is caused by a variety of soil borne fungi. Seedlings rot at the soil line and fall over. This can be controlled in several ways. The primary one is to use only a sterile starting mix such as Pro Mix or Ready Mix. These mixes are best moistened the night before planting to allow full absorption of the water. The mix should be MOIST which I classify as being somewhere between damp and wet. If you are going to err, make it on the dry side. Another frequent cause of failure is contaminated containers. Wash anything that will come into close proximity of the seedlings in a weak Clorox solution before using the container or implement. About a cup of Clorox to to a gallon of water is OK. The most common seed starting setup is comprised of an 11" X 22" plastic tray with a clear plastic cover. All sorts of inserts with sections for individual plants are available. There kits are available at garden centers as well as Home Depot type places. You will also benefit greatly from a common two tube shop light. These can be purchased for under $10.00. Plain old cool white tubes have proven to be as good as the grow lite ones and they coat about 1/10 as much. In 99 and 44/100% of the cases you are kidding yourself if you think a sunny window will suffice. You MAY get away with a sunny window if the Spring is extremely sunny, which it usually isn't. Tomatoes need more light than almost any flowers so don't let that mislead you. Remember, I'm trying to help you succeed, not fail. There are too many variables in sunny windows and hundreds of people think they can't start tomatoes from seeds because of that system. Start by backing up six weeks from the date you want to set your transplants out in the garden. Place moistened mix in your selected insert and punch a 1/4" deep hole in your mix with the eraser end of a pencil or similar instrument. Put two or three seeds in each hole and cover with 1/4" of mix. Press down lightly to insure good contact. Place the plastic top on the tray to maintain the moisture and put the setup in a warm place. The top of a hot water heater or a refrigerator seems to be a favorite place. Heating mats are available but they are not absolutely necessary. Light is not needed at this stage. The mix should not need additional water until after the seeds have sprouted. If it seems to be dry and no seedlings have emerged after ten days, add a little water and wait another week. Your seedlings should appear in four to ten days, As soon as you see them starting to pop up, remove the cover and put the tray under the shop light. The seedlings should be within 2" of the light. Light decreases by the inverse square of the distance traveled which means that there is only 1/4 as much light when that distance is doubled. This is most important to keep your plants from becoming "leggy." Temperatures in the 60 degree range are best from here on. A cool basement is good. Keep the light on for sixteen hours and off for eight. A cheap timer makes this simpler. Either raise the light or lower the tray to keep the tops of the seedlings within two inches of the tubes, the closer the better. You won't burn them if they happen to touch. I like to set the shop light up about 18" above the shelf that holds the tray. Then I use wooden blocks to get the proper height and remove blocks as the seedlings grow. Some folks use books for the same purpose. The leaves you see at this stage are the cotyledons, seed leaves. In about two weeks the first pair of true leaves will emerge. This signals the time to "pot up" your seedlings. I find a four inch pot to be best for this but it's not critical. Used soda cups work well if sterilized and with holes punched in the bottoms. Use the same mix you used to start the seeds and moisten it as before. If you are using cell packs for your seed starts, make a hole the size of the cell containing each seedling. Gently prick the seedling from its cell and place it into its new container. Plant it right up to the base of the cotyledon. Roots will grow on the base of the stem and give you a stronger plant. Continue with watering as needed and light adjustment until your seedlings are about five weeks old. At this point, begin to gradually harden off your seedlings to outdoor conditions. On an overcast day or in shade, set the seedlings out for one hour. Double this every day until they are outside all the time. This should coincide with your desired planting out date. At this point you should have some nice stocky transplants ready for the garden and a lot better than you can buy.