Thomas Sorry forgot to answer your question Yes I have heard about phytophthora on tomatoes. Some seed inspection companies test for it. phytophthora has several types of infections 1. Crown/root rot 2. Stem rot 3. leaf rot 4. fruit rot. Crown or root rot is usually noticed on the soil line, The plant above the soil line appears fine except it turns black at the soil line Stem rot, affects the branches and growing point. Makes a small circle the stems above it falls off the plant. On the remiander of the plant stem there is a 1/4 to 1/2 in black/dark brown area. Leaf rot. The leaves turn black and fall off leaving only the branches and stalk. Fruit rot. It starts at the stem end and turns the fruit black, If you cut open the fruit, it really stinks. This disease usually doesn't start until after a lot of rain usually >2 in. This disease can be seed, or soil borne or can be transmitted by bugs. So far in tomatoes, all I have seen is seed borne, in that if affected only one variety in the garden and not the others. Seeds were not chlorine or fungus treated. Byron