[tomato] Septoria Leaf Spot

Justine.Tamaro@centigram.com (Tomato@GlobalGarden.com)
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 08:47:35 -0700

My neighbor has been having a terrible time with his tomato plants.  They
all come down with septoria leaf spot.  What causes this and how can he
prevent it from happening again?

The irony is that this man has lovely raised beds, filled with mushroom
compost, with drip irrigation and is having a lot of problem with several
different veggies he's trying to grow.  Meanwhile the same plants are doing
just fine in my regular old hose watered beds!! Someday I might build some
raised beds myself and I definitely like the drip irrigation, but I do
appreciate the irony right now :)

thanks for any and all help,
