Re: Schimmeigh Stoo was RE: [tomato] Great listing of heirlooms online!

Doreen Howard (
Sun, 5 Sep 1999 20:36:33 -0500

Catherine is right about Schimmeig Stoo being the stuff of which cover shots
are made.  I have a couple of shots that have been in magazines and would be
glad to send a jpeg attached to email if you are interested in seeing a
drop-dead gorgeous tomato. And, Tom, the saved seeds from my Stoos are
producing fruit double the size here in Illinois this summer than in
previous seasons in Texas.  They are averaging about 10 ounces.
Doreen Howard
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, September 05, 1999 7:14 PM
Subject: Schimmeigh Stoo was RE: [tomato] Great listing of heirlooms online!

>Tom wrote:
>I am the original breeder of Green Grape, Green Zebra,
>Schimmeig Creg, Banana Legs, Brown Derby, Green Bell Pepper tomato, Elberta
>Girl, <snip>
>A few months ago Doreen Howard let me know I had the origins of Shimmeig
>Stoo wrong. I'd thought it came from the Isle of Mann. She let me know that
>you had named it the Manx, because your grandfather came from the Isle of
>Mann. It's such a gorgeous tomato; the stuff of which cover shots are made.
>I'd love to know more about its lineage.