One of the leading researchers in the US is Dr. Mike Orsolek at Penn State U. addy They are working on a site, but it is not ready yet. But a note to him will get about 50 pages of previous data, not only from him but SC also. I also went to a seminar, with Dr Otho Wells of UNH and Dr Richard Ashley of UCONN. Dr. Wells implied that over a 10 year period the color of the mulch made a difference, If the summer was real hot a white or silver was better because it helped repell aphids and kept the soil cooler. If the summer was cool then the black or dark green helped to warm the soil. Dr. Ashley felt that IR mulch helped tomatoes because the IR reflectance made the plant act like it was competeing for daylight. But did not feel that IR helped peppers. His study showed that IR helped peppers but the numbers were only 150 lbs per acre. I'm sorry the name escapes me, but one of Dr. Orzoleck team found that yellow attacks aphids and blue attracts thrips. Personally I find that 12 to 16 in deep of heavy composted soil does better than a cover mulch. Byron