Re: [CH] CH: Junk fix/ Jerk seasoning

Linda Reynolds (
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 13:23:23 -0500

>Walkers' Wood & Busha Brownes' are made by the same people.  It's actually
>the same stuff.  Dave Anderson & I had a pretty good laugh with the owner of
>the facility as he was relaying to us about how he gets letters all the time
>about one being better than the other.  Super nice guy & first class place!
>One of the few times I can say 'standard disclaimers apply'.
>-Jim Campbell
>Mild to Wild Pepper & Herb Co.

.....That doesn't surprise me.  I too, thought they tasted the same, the
reason I tried Walkers' Wood was because based on the label, it seemed to
contain the same ingredients and the bottle was bigger and less expensive!

Thanks for your insight Jim.  It proves what I learnt in college about
marketing.  A number of big companies own/make several (or many) of the
competing products and a lot of people don't know it.  They git yer money
either way sometimes!
