Re: [CH] Greetings

Doug Irvine (
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:47:38 -0800

Nels Peterson wrote:
> I don't know if I am a true chile-head or not.  But I do like hot peppers,
> in just about anything.  Am truly surprised how many there out there.
> My boys and I grow 5 - 7 different types of hot peppers each year, about 1
> acre, mostly jalapeno and habanero.  We sold about 20 bushels of jalapenos
> this past summer, and 5 bushels of habanero. The most exotic peppers 

Wow! Any Scandinavian living in North Dakota, growing that many peppers
has got to be a genuine, certifiable, uncontestible chile-head
and certainly should be proud of the fact! Having lived for years in
Manitoba, just north of North Dakota, I can well imagine how the little
old ladies in Minot for instance, would look askance at all those
peppers...for most of them, growing up eating lefsa and ludefisk
the stuff in the pepper shaker would be plenty!(Did I say I had a lot of
Scandinavian friends??and one Danish son-in-law?) Welcome to the
list...I made lefsa for breakfast the other morning, and put a good dose
of Calvin's chile powder in the potato! Cheers, Doug in BC