[CH] chipotles

Ginny Short (vshort@uaex.edu)
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 10:54:19 CDT

> For popcorn, I steep chipotles in peanut oil on low for an

Is it possible you could describe a chipotle to me. Also would 
another hot pepper be used in the oil with about the same results. 
BTW is the popcorn mild, or fiercy hot.  Or is it the longer you 
steep the hotter the popcorn? 

Telephone # 671-2096 at CES or vshort@uaex.edu 

To quote John Ruskin,
 "Kind hearts are the garden, 
Kind thougts are the roots,
 Kind words are the blossoms, 
Kind deeds are the fruit."  

The Clock of Life is wound but once
To lose one's health is sad indeed.
Place "no" faith in "tomorrow" for the clock 
    may then be still