[CH] Making chipotles

The Adair's (adair@onyx.digisys.net)
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 22:33:01 -0800

Hello all,

I tried to make chipotles last week.  I got several pounds of what 
my produce guy assured me were red jalapenos and threw them 
in the smoker for about 12 hours.  The results didn't look anything 
like the dried chipotles that I'm used to buying.  They had a dark, 
smooth, shiny,  thin skin.  When I ground them up they made an 
excellent tasting, mildly hot, smoky flavored powder so I'm a long 
ways from being unhappy with the results.  BUT they are not the 
same thing I was shooting for.  The chipotles I'm used to buying are 
thick fleshed, wrinkled up, light brown with a slightly chewy 

My first thought is that the peppers I started out with were not 
jalapenos.  They had the same general shape and size but were 
rather pointed at the end.  They also had a kind of sweet taste 
almost like a red bell pepper but they had a fair amount of heat too.

Has anyone out there made chipotles?  Is there some kind of 
preparation needed before they go into the smoker?  Did I, in my 
ignorance, start out with the wrong pepper?  Any help would be 
much appreciated.

Tim Adair
Kalispell, Montana