Good morning, I have a couple of questions: I've tried a couple of brands of pickled whole Serranos and they have less heat than Whitefield pickled Jalapeņo rings (2 qt, $2.80 at Sam's). The Serranos are in a saltier brine and have a few carrot slices with them. Does this packing method reduce their heat? How much hotter should I expect a pepper to be fresh than pickled? New topic: I have a couple of lists of peppers listing attributes -- arranged alphabetically and saying things like mild, hot, very hot, etc. Is there such a list arranged by relative heat? Or with a lot more categories like 'ice cold, fiery, explosive, devastating, volcanic, mommee-e-e........', etc? Is there a similar list for sauces, or are there just too many to start? Thanks, JC the Other, Bucyrus, OH, US