RE: [CH] Flak from family members?

Goslowsky, George (
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:37:24 -0500

I must confess.  I too get a lot of heat from friends and family.  Mostly
just joking, but sometimes it can be irritating.  My food preferences are
similar to my music preferences.  I have a favorite group (Rush if anyone
cares), but they are certainly not the only ones I listen to, just the ones
I listen to, and enjoy, the most.  With food, it is chiles and food with
chiles that I eat, and enjoy, the most.  But definitely not the only stuff I
eat.  Everyone one in my family thinks that I can't or won't eat food
without chiles, that I sit around a munch chiles by the handfuls as a snack
(they're almost right) and that everything HAS to be scorching, searing,
painfully hot.

That would not be so bad if they would take the time to understand how I
feel about chiles, instead of treating it as a joke or some bizarre
eccentric behavior that they tolerate.

Um, sorry.  I really didn't mean to rant.  Just that it rubs me the wrong
way sometimes.

George J. Goslowsky
Monk of the TCS
Holder of Fire

I gotta chose my family members more carefully.