[CH] Flak from......

Law, Doug (Law@mail.andros.com)
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:28:00 -0700

I notice that my wife has caniption fits when I "fiddle" with any of her 
"ancestoral" receipes.  Mostly she complains about my concept of what is 
hot but it goes for almost any adjustment to the ingredients.  Stoveside 
conversations often go like this:

"It tastes just fine the way it is.  Put down those red pepper flakes! This 
is spagetti sauce, not one of your damn chillis!  NO I don't want to try 
any rosemary in it this time."

I now leave the holy relics alone and only fiddle around with receipes that 
entered the family since we married.  Those at least she will taste before 
deciding I've added too many peppers.

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I'm almost afraid to raise this subject, but does anyone else get serious
flak from family (or friends) about the amount of pepper we eat?  My folks
long ago wrote me off as a nut case on the matter, but Mom still looks hurt
when I put dry pepper or a sauce on something she has cooked.  "Taste it
first!"  By now, the standard gag I use when she cooks something perfectly
is to say "Needs more red pepper."

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Eat hot!
ThinK hot! 
Love Hot!
