[CH] RE: Emeril

Law, Doug (Law@mail.andros.com)
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 13:28:00 -0700

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Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 18:16:04 -0700
From: "dogbyte" <dogbyte12@email.msn.com>
Subject: [CH] Re: Emeril

Sure, the man is everywhere, and promoting everything, but I think we all
have to give Mr. Lagasse his due. I have known so many people who decided 
spice up their culinary skills because of Emeril. For the cajun/creole food
bug that I am experiencing is partly do to licking my lips at the regional
dishes he prepares. Making a pot of red beans right now... one day they 
be as good as Popeye's...

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I second that motion!!  and if you are ever in New Orleans looking for an 
amazing dance show to watch while you eat, ask for seats at the kitchen bar
Emeril's.  Just be sure to call at least a week (month??) before hand as
are popular seats.  You get to view first hand the organized chaos of a 
professional kitchen as well as drool over the variety pans just at hand and

envy the apparent ease with which these masterpieces go together.  But go 
prepared.  Like hise commercial products, his meals is NOT cheap.  Be
for at least $75 for dinner for 2 with wine and easily upwards of $200 if
you go
for the Degusation (sp?).  I loved it but was eating on an expense account
the time.  I don't know if I could afford to repeat it on my nickel.

Eat hot! 
Think hot!
Love hot!


PS.  I don't get foodtv and have never seen his show.  what is all this BAM 
stuff anyway?