[CH] =?iso-8859-1?Q?Firenza_Jalape=F1os?=

Senor Chile Monger (supervisor@scudder.sbceo.k12.ca.us)
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 07:49:23 -0700

I planted several Firenza Jalapeņo plants this year with visions of mounds
of red ripe Jals lined up for a turn in the ol' Brinkman...Chipotle
Heaven!!  But those durn chiles, though some of the first plants to set
fruit, have still not ripened to red.  My Red Savinas are starting to ripen
and they didn't set fruit until nearly six weeks after the Firenzas.  The
green Firenzas are very good, though!  They produce early and
enthusiastically many large, sweet, crunchy fruit with that gentle Jalapeņo
burn, but seem very unwilling to ripen to red.  Anyone else try growing
this hybrid, and, if you are, are you experiencing this, too?  I got the
seeds from Shepherds, but I've seen them advertised several other spots.

In Chiles,


* For the sake of tolerance do we tolerate the intolerable? *