[CH] quick questions

Chris Cherry (chris@fieldsfinancial.com)
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 08:20:27 -0600

Hi, folks. I'm a new subscriber, (from Texas) and I'm already learning and
enjoying it immensely! It's nice to know there are people out there like me,
who keep bottles of habanero sauce in their desks at work. :)

So, to the experts, a couple of questions... are there references (web page,
books, etc.) that show relative heats of different sauces, extracts, etc? As
in, "Is this Sauce X hotter than this Sauce Y?", and the like. Second
question... I live in an apartment, so I'm sad to say I don't get to garden
the way I would like. What are some chiles that would grow well in a
windowsill, and what would be the most effective methods to growing them?

Anyway, thanks in advance!
