[CH] Why QBook for DOS is better than Mealmaster

Mon, 2 Apr 2001 16:08:41 -0400

> Tell the truth, now -- how many of us are still using >DOS-based 
versions of  Mealmaster? 

I have for many years used the good ol' DOS-based version of QBook, which
is vastly simpler and less annoying than any version of Mealmaster
whatever.  It will import recipes in any format or none, and doesn't
impose an annoying, clunky one of its own.  

This will tell ya a lot: there are bunches of mailing lists and Usenet
groups (and used to be all kinds of BBS-based echoes) devoted to helping
baffled people figure out Mealmaster's problems and requirements; there
are also several whole programs designed to work around its format
fussiness and other limitations.  So far as I can tell, there's not a
single one of either for QBook, 'cause it's just so damn intuitive and

True, it has a less robust search function; the Quicksearch thingy is
really pretty near useless, in 
fact.  But QBook will do nested searches, something the oithers won't.   

And, true, it has fewer  bells and whistles; it won't multiply a  recipe
for you or make your shopping list, for instance.  But honestly now, what
good cook really needs software to do that for h/er?  
And, yes, I've heard the dire warnings about "QBook will crash on ya",
yadda yadda,  but I've never had a
crash in nearly ten years' use, and of all the many QBook users I know,
I've never known but one person who did.   Whereas I've heard from dozens
of Mastercook and Mealmaster users who've had those program crash on 'em,
sometimes locking up their machines in the process.  

Besides, isn't that what regular backup is for?  :)

PS--Please don't anybody write to me for where you can find a copy; 
sorry, I don't know the answer off the top of my head, and will just have
to tell you to do a websearch.  I still have the copy I got off a DOS
BBS. :)  It's out there, though, and I'm told there's a newer version

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