Heat vs. flavor factor (WAS: Re: [CH] Dave's range)

Ted Wagner (trwagner1@yahoo.com)
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 07:55:10 -0700 (PDT)

I'll have make an observation here.  I'm a CH new-comer.  Loved chiles
for most of my life, but a recent new-comer to the CH internet group.

It seems to me that within the past 10 years, the chile sauces are more
of a Fad/novelty item.  But, many of these sauces of sated the chile
lover's appetite for those hot and spicy splashes on every-day food.

I, personally, find sauces like Dave's Insanity something I really
don't like.  However, I do think that the name factor and novelty
factor of sauces similar to Dave's Insanity has helped introduce the
enthusiasm about chiles to many new people.  In that respect, I think
it deserves a place on the market.

Personally, I'm a cayenne pepper lover.  I like a little heat, just
enough to make you sweat, and I like the flavor of cayenne peppers.  I
also love jalapeno peppers and their taste.  But, this is as far as I
go for my "enjoyment" of sauces.  Due to the uniqueness of other
peppers, I'm always willing to try something.  However, I've found that
I don't enjoy the peppers that are so hot they take your voice away or
melt the hair in your nose. ;-)

I'm very thankful for this group.  I found the two volumes of recipe
collection and have already printed a copy and put them in a big three
ring binder...I could never hope to find a book as good as that at any
book-store!  And, it just goes to show you, there's more to loving
chiles than buying hot sauce!

However, I admit, I should own stock in the cayenne hot sauce companies
and in Tabasco.  I love sauce on almost everything I eat...especially
for breakfast.  Last year was my first year for trying to make my own
hotsauce using the mash method.  I was pleasantly surprised by the
results.  I used a mix of super cayenne's, hot hungarian and jalapeno. 
It had that wonderful cayenne taste with a pop of green fresh taste to
it...and an odd enough bite to make you wonder what exactly was it in.

Which leads me to a question.  I was not satisfied with the texture of
my sauce.  I like the smooth texture you find with my sauces.  I used
both a food processor and a blender but didn't get a smooth blend...I
had small bits and pieces.  How can you get the sauce so smooth?



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