Hi After traveling for 8.5 hours to meet greet and see who all the ppl are that we chat with day to day I was totally bummed when the Pepperguy for Milwaukee and myself made the mistake of saying to my husband try a White Jalapeno and the rest was history, He spent the next half hour you know where and when we drove off I was thinking i'd be back after getting him something to soothe his palette but alas 8( he started driving and the rest is history, So to all that I met It was a pleasure and sorry I didnt have the time to say the proper farwells or to get to partake in the evening festivitles etc. To Sue I believe the gal that was handing out the pepper plants if you could email me privately I would appreciate it. Glad to hear all had a great time, I know I LOVED the slip'n and slid'n in the mud and all the rest, Hopefully if there is a next year I will come alone, bring some camping gear and beable to partake of ALL the festivities. Now I like Jim lost two very important ppl on the 11th too and am off to pay homage to them and when I get home you know the first thing on the agenda will be to start cooking, freezing, canning and dry my little heart out. Fixette