hmm.... I always rinse the skins off after I've thawed them, and they always taste fabulous and hot. Er... isn't the capsaicin on the *inside* of the chile? Maybe it's different if eating fresh roasted vs. thawed? The skin basically falls off after they've been roasted and frozen, so they don't get a lot of time under the water. That could also be why I've never noticed a lack of flavour. Robert Farr wrote: >Bradley is right - never wash the skins of charred chiles! Mark Miller >talks about this in his excellent book (available from Ten Speed Press), >"The Great Chile Pepper Book". > >Washing the chiles washes away all the oils that make the chile taste >good. > >Instead, cover the charred chiles with a towel - placed over a bowl - >and allow the steam to remove them for you. Then take a fork and peel. >