Re: [CH] Habs

Mary-Anne Durkee (
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 17:58:40 -0800 (PST)

Costco also carries this w/a few rolls of bags
included.  We use to have the old model from an
info-mercial.  We broke loose and bought a new greatly
improved one, last summer, at Costco.  Pays for itself
real fast.

Extra bags available at a great price at Costco by the
case/assorted widths.  You cut the length you want.

Brand:  Foodsaver Twila, S. SF., CA


--- Harold James <> wrote:
>  We have a vacuum sealer and have placed everything
> from peppers, 
> meat, fish and seeds in them. They work great Sam’s
> has a real good 
> one for 149.00 well worth the price. I even use it
> to season meat for 
> dinner. Our old one is two years old and still works
> great, placed 
> habs out of garden last year and they are still
> crispy.
> Mason Dixon Spice
> Eat It !!!! Every Day!!!!!-- 

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