Re: [CH] Little info....big thanks

tucker (
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:07:23 -0500

Dygurkem _ wrote:

> Hi all, this year I've managed to start 8 types of peppers,

> Orange Devils Habanero : Well, this plant is growing faster than I thought.
> Healthy plant, smaller leaves than a typical Habanero, but there's a lot of
> them. Tends to have secondary branches (the leaves aren't all from the main
> steam). Looking forward to see who will win the fight : Orange Habanero vs
> Orange Devils Habanero.

  Is this a hybrid Hab. or something?  I don't recall seeing any other information about
it...  Or have I just not been paying attention again?  Is it maybe known by another name
down here, South of the Border?


C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps