Re: [CH] Today's Lunch

Marc Winterburn (
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 23:37:42 +0800

"mmmmm" vegemite on  chilli toast.
Kind Regards
Marc Winterburn
The Oz Chilli Man

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Rael64" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 10:18 PM
Subject: RE: [CH] Today's Lunch

> > Rael,
> >
> > Is that real Marmite?  I mean is it Burton-on-Trent
> > Marmite? Not Sears
> > Marmite?  No foolin!?
> >
> > Is it legal?  Who's your dealer?  It's described by
> > the faq as 'hot'.  I've
> > always wanted to at least try vegemite.  Sounds like
> > chile would complement
> > either.  Assuming they want to be complemented.
> The Marimite is made by Unilever Bestfoods UK,
> Crawley, RH10 9RQ.  The Vegemite is indeed made by
> Kraft Foods Limited, PO Box 1673 N, Melbourne,
> Australia.  As to the pros and cons of both/either,
> beats me.  I've just begun to play w/'em.  The dealer
> be:
> Not hot though (neither of them), at least not to me.
> Very strong.  But the vegemite tastes stronger to
> me....or did the other day.  Who knows.  It's some
> wicked black looking stuff, souped up
> molasses.
> But quite tasty.
> Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
> Rael64
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