susan wrote: > > We fill a spray bottle with a mixture of ammonia and water and walk > around the yard and garden every morning and evening and spray the > little critters when we see them. > I'm not sure of the exact proportion, probably 1/3 ammonia to 2/3 > water... Me? GEEE-ROSS! Was thinking the ammonia would be accumlative in soil, but maybe not... Wash/leach away? Seems a bit high concentration... I've cats... To kill germs in 'boxes, you only need 1/10 concentration. Don't know if this would work on slugs as effectively as the 2-3 concen... Yea, yea, yea! I know, I know! I'll eat fertilizer, but not amonnia or shingle residue! I'm quirky! <g> And if the weather in MN keeps up as ittiz, we here may have slugs soon! WET, WET, WET and humid! Never know, if I get desperate enuff, I *may* resort to shingles/ammonia! I still vote for the sand/egg shells/beer (only if REALLY desperate!) mode. green