Jim DeLillo asked What's Marmite? Luke Replied : Its a Black Sulpherous Foul Tastsing Yeast Extract eaten by Heathens in the Old World and the land of the long white cloud, as opposed to the Other Black Gold Beautiful Tastsing Yeast Extract called Vegemite Eaten by the true believers in the land of Oz .. Other inferior versions include Promite: (Sanitarium Group) and GYE (Guiness Yeast Extract).. It's an acquired taste, and does not at all have a symbiotic relationship with the Chile Genus..(Sorta on Topic) <Just> If'n your brave Jim,.Send Snail mail Address for sample of Vegemite.. Luke in Oz Doug Irvine Wrote: > Chet you left out one thing....our Ozzie CH's (or not) eat this stuff like crazy....two Aussie gals whom I know, both are real Marmite freaks, if that is the right description....Cheers, Doug in BC ---------------- Luke replied to that as well: If they are the two Girls living in your Building, Send me Your snail Mail address as They are either Pommie or Kiwi imposters. Or if they are truely Ozzies they are very obviously sick, suffering from delusions, and desperatly In need of the real stuff..