Gee, Barb, daughter DJ in St.Louis said this morning that the tulips are all opening up everywhere, and there will be a fabulous weekend, garden and weather wise! She said all those dire weather predictions side-slipped St.Louis, so they didn't even get any rain... She's into glass blowing with a vengeance, with classes at the college just across the Mighty Mississippi, and in the mail today I received a BIG surprise: a new hand-blown glass vase for small flower cuttings! It's white on the interior showing thru the glass, very heavy which is good, has a few well-placed bubbles embedded in the glass, and a random bead of turquoise glass near the bottom. Lovely! V-e-r-y heavy gardening will resume when glass school closes for the summer. They are transforming the big front and back yards into a show place, with their bare hands and the rental of a small bearcat.. More power to 'em! Penny, zone 6, NY [Jimmie says he heard that it will drop to 20* tonight..... Yikes!] _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]