If this message ends up written strangely I'm blaming these new gubmint glasses I'm wearing. VA said I needed new glasses and I think these came from the lowest bidder. ;-) While we were at the daughters for Easter dinner the winds came again and blew down two of my Tumbler tomatoes in hanging baskets. Split the baskets so had to get two new ones at Wally World, $1.97 plus tax each, pretty cheap but just what I needed. Realized the problem was that the wind was catching the tomato branches and spinning basket and all, thus unscrewing the brass hook they were hanging on. Brilliant solution came to me - I used large saltwater fishing line swivels between the hook and the basket. Now when the wind blows they just spin at about 100 rpm but don't fall down. Reckon we can do a scientific study on how tomatoes grow in a centrifuge. May save some seed from these maters and rename them "Spinners." We're finally getting some rain after not having any significant rainfall since March 16, rather unusual for our wet, humid area. We definitely needed it since I was having to water the gardens with a long, slow soak about once a week to keep things growing. Got another rustled rose blooming in the front yard. Sorta looks like a half-size peace rose, yellow with rose overtones. Miz Anne got some cuttings at an old home place in Lake Charles and rooted them last year. So far it seems disease resistant and has no mildew. If it does as good as the deep red one we've grown for several years we will be happy. Roses are difficult to grow down here unless you spray 20 different sprays on them each month. I spotted what appears to be an old rose in a local cemetary yesterday, will call around to find out who owns the place and then see about cuttings. The calendulas are blooming all over the front flower beds and the Shirley poppies, evidently reseeded from last year, are about to open. The glads are springing up with bloom stalks already but the hydrangea is still waiting for summer. It's taken eight years but this place is finally pulling into shape. Y'all come. George