Wow, George, I didn't think you EVER complained! Didn't they give you antibiotics..? Certainly hope that you will be rid of your misery very speedily.. Jimmie has 2 X snow peas and some radishes planted. He just likes to putter out there, nothing major. I think some onion sets will go in after the rain stops, in about 3 or 4 days. Last year we grew 8 cauliflower plants -- and were they picture perfect! They looked like an ad for Miracle Grow! Well, we ate the first two with great pleasure. Then we ate the 3rd and 4th. Delicious.. And it was obvious that I had better harvest those that were left, so I brought them inside to cook up. They looked clean as a whistle, but I soaked them in cold salt water for about 2 hours while I worked, and then I rinsed 'em and started cutting them up. Ooooh, watch out, there are teenie-tiny pale green worms clinging to the stems, I told myself. Why on earth didn't they fall off while soaking...? Not many worms, mind you -- just about 4 or 5 per head. Ugghh, that shook me up. I stuck them under a fast hard spray of water, but the worms would not release. Put them back into stronger salt water, no luck. Doggonit, I was mad, and certainly frustrated! After all, if I have to eat some worms, please, for heaven's sake, don't tell me about it ahead of time!!! (Nor afterwards, either....) So I threw them all out. Penny, NY, zone 6 _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]