Re: [gardeners] Mothers and gardens

Gayle Fields (
Sun, 10 May 1998 06:48:25 -0600

My mother has been gone from this earth 15 years now but I still plant
something special in her memory every Mother's Day.  Today I am going to
plant an Annabelle Hydrangea.  We have had a heat spell over the last
few weeks but today is cloudy and just warm - a perfect day for
planting.  Glenn worked hard all day yesterday to get my landscaping
ties in place as he is off for work in Saskatchewan for a week.  Now I
can plant my little heart out over the next few days.:):)

For those of you who are mothers - enjoy the day.  For those of you who
have mothers - make it special for them.


"The most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child's
                                                Erik Erikson