Re: [gardeners] saurkraut

Catharine Vinson (
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 22:02:26 +0000

Cousin Allen wrote:

>    Here is Grandma Mertens' Kosher Dill Pickle Receipe:
>. I intend to keep her traditions and receipes going
>inorder to pass on to my grandchildren what I learned from her. I hope 
>you enjoy her pickles.

It's a great sounding recipe. I'm getting ready to plant the second batch 
of cukes; the first were the mid-eastern slicers and they have been 
super...should keep producing for at least anouther 6 weeks before they 
get tuckered out. The new batch will be pickling cukes....if I'm lucky, 
the second batch of dill will be ready when they are.

Thanks again,