Re: [gardeners] Saturday in the garden

David G. Smith (
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 06:40:04 -0500

I've been wondering about those hyacinth beans.  Are they any good to eat?
One place I read that they were edible when small, but I got the impression
they were mainly an ornamental plant.

I did a little gardening here yesterday.  I turned under the wheat and rye
that were planted in the fall, put some compost on the asparagus bed, and
optimistically planted a row of snow peas.  Probably they'll just rot in
there but you never know.  I had fun, anyway.


At 06:32 PM 2/27/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Miz Anne, Sleepy Dawg, and myself spent most of the day in the garden. I
>tilled the west fence line planting area and then planted New Zealand
>Spinach, Black Spanish Radishes, bunching onions for this fall, and
>Purple Hyacinth Beans.
>Miz Anne was busy tending to the flower beds in both the front and back
>yards, moving some Calendulas to make room for something she will plant
>tomorrow. In the front she is still fighting the oxalis in the flower
>beds next to the house so spends a lot of time with a screwdriver
>digging. She also fertilized several of the plantings in front.
>I planted my Rosemary, var. "Tuscan Blue", in the herb garden this
>morning and also put the lemon grass in the ground. Some volunteer basil
>was transplanted to another area and a LOT of epazote was pulled out.
>Suspect we'll be pulling epazote all spring.
>Miz Anne moved the blooming terrestrial orchid into the house from the
>greenhouse so we can enjoy the blooms without having to go outside.
>In the afternoon we visited a couple of garden centers and came away
>with some new anvil pruning shears (SOMEBODY tried to cut wire with the
>old ones!) and a 3 foot tall sweet kumquat. I'm still deciding where to
>plant the kumquat, someplace where it can spread.
>After the trip to the nurseries I trained the Dorman Red Raspberries to
>the top of the four-foot high hurricane fence and pruned them at that
>height. The last of the Jerusalem artichokes were dug and then
>replanted, so far there has been no explosion of those. The biggest
>Mayhaw tree got a good pruning also, they are really bad about
>suckering. This is their last year unless they bloom and bear. I intend
>to root them out and purchase a variety I saw advertised in Texas
>The seedlings are growing rapidly and are doing well in the greenhouse.
>It's so warm here the door stays open all day now and soon everything
>will have to be moved out to keep it from cooking. The Tumbler tomatoes,
>planted in hanging baskets, will be moved outside tomorrow and hung
>around the patio area. The plants are tall enough now that they will
>start bending over the edges of the baskets soon.
>About the time we decided to quit this afternoon a small rainstorm moved
>through and more is expected. We hope to get the green beans and a few
>other seeds in the ground tomorrow but we will see.
>Hope all are enjoying themselves on this weekend.
>Life is indeed good.