I have always planted my regular and snow peas before St. Patrick's day here in zone 5 Colorado too. I was out there yesterday starting to get the garden ready when I got distracted trying to find out if the "weed" called Malva was of some value. I recently took an herb class and it is one of the plants the instructor pointed out. Does any one know if it is the same as marshmallow plant. I am thinking it is Althaea officinalis but I can't find a picture to confirm it. If that is the right name there seems to be many uses for this common weed that I keep digging and throwing in the compost. If it is that I sure hope I haven't completely iradicated it from the garden, what are the odds of that? I better get out there and finish preparing for pea planting tonight. Jane > An old gardener that has lovely sweet peas told me you are suppose > to plant them on Good Friday. . . .she lives in Peterborough same as > me and since I have followed her "rule" my sweet peas have been > great. We can still be very cold then and get snow but it doesn't > seem to bother the seeds. > > > I love sweet peas!! > Jill