> Ever tried it without the parmesan? Like salt added in cooking, much >of this seems simply to disappear, so you might find you get a lot more >flavor for the same amount of cheese - or the same for considerably less, >& as you're no doubt aware dry cheese is pretty intense stuff - by simply >adding it at the table. <snips> > Amen to the walnuts, though. IMHO pine nuts are something nobody would >ever eat unless they were too poor or deprived (e.g. Italian peasants, SW >Native Americans) to get anything better. > Pinyon nuts grow on you. They can become addictive. I remember eating them as a child, having to break off shells with your teeth and tongue. The shelled nuts are something else. I recall Costco sold them for $3 a pound a few years ago. Label examination revealed they were from China. I think there was an "ahem" moment, because the next hulled pinyons I saw were from the U.S. and were about $15 for a small bag. Walnuts are a great substitute in pesto. Margaret L