>Anyone else out there? In Southern Indiana, where gardening is a different learning experience every year. (One year was thirty-nine daily rains, followed by drought, and the plants still grew, despite all, including my ministrations.) Heavy clay, a sun garden, and my 'garden' shed is full. I started 'real gardening' by taking over the kids' play area when they grew up. I quickly discovered some little tricks...sandbox contents were great amendments for the first garden bed but I keep finding toy soldiers in odd places. The garden part grows every year, bumping out here and there. Hubby approves, since mowing is starting to get easier. I have a bit of this and a smidgeon of that on a small town lot. I do go overboard with quite a few daylilies and several varieties of tomatoes...ah, daylilies are supposed to be edible...just in case. ;-) The snow is finally melting, and a new front is supposed to move through today, dusts of snow to decorate all. Somehow, my Christmas poinsettias look plasticized rather than mummified, and are threatening to hang around through Easter. Seed starting starts soon. :) Barb in Southern Indiana Zone 5/6 dorsett@blueriver.net A root is a flower that disdains fame.