Re: [gardeners] The tomatoes have started rolling in!

penny x stamm (
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 22:40:36 -0400

Hi, Ron -- I am quite surprised to hear you say that certain tomatoes 
are 'sweet', and others have a 'delightful note of salt'.  I normally
do grow some "Sweet 100s" which I gobble right off the vine before
I can bring many inside -- and yes, perhaps I could say that they 
are sweet.

We have a Master Gardener who starts at least 15 kinds of
tomato each spring, just for fun. She brings a huge supply with
her to our annual May plant swap -- whch is probably how I first
got started with the "Sweet 100s"... 

The commercial tomatoes we get really do not have too much
flavor. When the local truck farms start producing, especially
in New Jersey, things should improve. 

We've survived the winter with the rather expensive tomatoes
on a vine from Holland. And grape tomatoes have become the rage. 
In fact, cherry tomatoes have almost disappeared!  Sad to say, yes,
I do think the grape tomatoes have more flavor, but I have tired of
them.  I happen to be growing some cherry ones, courtesy of our
cousin who had too many seedlings. They are just forming now, 
and it will take a while for them to reach maturity. Just think about
it:  local corn doesn't come in until perhaps the  2nd week of
August!  Zone 6 weather doesn't lend itself to a long gardening 
season . . . 

In my mind's eye, I associate tomatoes with Rutgers University, 
in N.J. They must have done a lot of research on the subject, many
years ago.  Wasn't there actually a tomato called 'Rutgers'..?    

Penny, NY

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