Re: [gardeners] Gyros?

penny x stamm (
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 03:14:12 -0500

Mary-Anne, my daughter took us downtown in lower Chcago to get our
very first 27-lb cone of gyro meat, and a gallon of tzadziki. <sp?>
We carried it home frozen on the airplane, and then SAWED it into
doughnut-shaped wedges about 2 inches tall. Those we could keep 
in the  freezer, triple wrapped. 

About 3 years later, she and hubby drove back downtown to the same
shop, and the butcher took one look at her (blue eyes and pigtails) and
said, "How's your mother...?" Of course, I adore that man......   But
she was doing was actually buying another 27-lb cone and the sauce
to bring home on the airplane for her dad's 70th birthday present. They
triple-wrapped it, stuck it in a carton, and it remained frozen for the
whole trip!  Of course the kids were very worried that Dad would smell 
the garlic as they stuck it in the trunk of the car, but he was too
Son-in-law told us that he had priced a 2nd hand gyro roaster to get for 
us as well, but it was prohibitive. 

Her sister brought along the other terrific surprise on the plane:  a
ten-lb bar of Nestle's milk chocolate, all for dad. 

Today we have modernized. Once we found out that the Chicago
place serves our wholesaler, we switched to buying 10 lb bars of
the gyro meat. I roast it in the oven, and make my own tzadziki, and
fix all the trimmings. It's a fun dish....  

And jimmie's brother never fails to bring along a one lb package
of that special Nestle's chocolate..  

Penny, NY 

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