[gardeners] Saturday in the garden

George Shirley (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 23:32:17 -0500

Finally got all the bunching onions pulled today, about 300 plants by rough
count. Gave a number away to neighbors but have the rest lying on the ground to
dry a bit. Will cut them tomorrow and replant a few for summer onions. The rest
will go into net bags to be fall sets.

Planted one more tomato plant today, it was too puny to set out a month ago but
has grown into a sturdy plant now. Also set out 16 more chile plants, 15 of them
hot ones. Took awhile to get the strip garden cleared of dollar weed, oxalis,
and those !@#$% Chinese Yam. <BSEG>

Tomorrow we will plant the corn and some more squash.

Supper was leftover meatloaf with New Zealand spinach and green beans, both
fresh from the spring garden. Tomorrow I will harvest and freeze the last of the
winter chard and then replant more. Also will harvest oregano, thyme, tarragon,
chamomile blossoms, winter savory, garlic chives, leaf celery, and a wee bit of
parsley. Most will be dried for later use, some will be minced and frozen in ice
cube trays for "fresh" use.

We've still got a dozen peaches left on the tree, the grackles got the rest
along with the mayhaws. Gonna have to get some bird netting I reckon. Gotta do
some tip and other pruning on the fruit trees tomorrow, including some outlaw
growth on the kumquats and mayhaws. Think I'll go ahead and pull out the small
mayhaw, it's too crowded to produce well and has iris growing all about it that
could use the sunlight.

I'm trying to get everything done that I can before the shoulder surgery at 0600
Monday morning. Docs say will be wearing a sling for a week or two and then on
rehab exercises for several months. I'm dreading the drive to the VA hospital
more than I am the surgery. Gotta get up at 0300 to make the trip, sheesh.
Thinking seriously of going up tomorrow afternoon and renting a motel room for
the night. My driver buddy will then have a place to relax until they cut me
loose Monday afternoon to go home. It's either that or drive myself up early
Monday and then stay over until Tuesday morning and then drive myself home.
Decisions, decisions.

Better go get some sleep, big day in the garden tomorrow. Luckily it's been
pretty cool out so it's not a big chore.

Life is good.
