I mainly lurk because my gardening time is quite limited at present. I have two raised beds for vegetables. We use raised beds because our soil is terribly rocky. I live in Western Massachusetts with my husband; we're both pushing the Half Century birthday this year. What occupies most of my time is my flock of sheep. I currently have fourteen ewes (and 20 lambs). I raise sheep for meat (grass-fed lamb) and fiber. In July I'm establishing a new flock on approximately 40 acres of land nearby; at that point I'll be up to 38 ewes. Also started in with chickens this spring; I have a dozen New Hampshire Red chicks which I plan to free range in the pasture. If anyone is interested in the benefits of grass-fed meat and free range eggs, there is a wealth of information at http://www.eatwild.com/. I also have a Border Collie and a Silky Terrier; the strong personalities of these two breeds makes for an awesome, entertaining pair. When the tomatoes start ripening I'll have to fence them out as they steal tomatoes right off the vine! I need to improve how I get water to my sheep, and imagine that some of the techniques that list members use to automate their watering systems would apply. I'd be interested in hearing about using plastic pipe and quick connects to route water. If anyone can recommend any websites providing this information I'd appreciate it. Diane Please respond to SojournerSheep@bigfoot.com or droeder@javanet.com