Bargyla, My husband believes that more water is always the cure for plants which are doing poorly. He passes by the water controls, and gives different things an extra drink -- today I found a hose trickling onto the root area of a pink dogwood, because he thought it was drooping. I got so exasperated that I picked up the hose and threw in on top of a rhododendron hedge -- Holy Toledo -- that was noon, and now it's midnight, and that thing must be still running! You know what they say about too many cooks spoil the broth.... Time out while I put on some shoes, and go outside. .. Yup, the water was still running. <Sigh> It's like keeping an eye on a baby.. He actually prepared the veggie garden very well this spring. He added compost and a whole bale of peat moss, and rototilled the whole thing under, levelled it, and planted sugar snap peas, radishes, string beans ---- today we have one lonesome pea vine. Everything else rotted. He drowned the garden. "I'll learn," he says. He'll be 80 in January. Not much chance... Penny, NY . . ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: