Re: [gardeners] Applesauce/basil

Ron Hay (
Tue, 07 Aug 2001 07:31:05 -0700

Good morning, Bargyla,

Thanks for the encouragement:) One has to be patient with many plants
before they come into production of whatever mode. Our young macadamia
will take yet another few years before it produces nuts in any quantity,
or so I am told. It has taken since December of '97 until the present
for our semidwarf citrus to produce, with the exception of the Satsuma
mandarin orange, which produced about 50-60 fruit last year, which were
of truly surpassing sweetness.

I think part of our success with our fruit trees is that the soil of the
area in which our home is located was once some of the most fertile
agricultural land in Southern California, which, shortly after WWII
started sprouting homes, instead of produce.

Enjoy your day!
