What kind of tomatoes are you growing? On another list, a subject came up you may be interested in. I'm sure you know that dried quackgrass is a molluscicide. One woman said she raked black walnut leaves onto a patch of quackgrass, and when she raked the leaves off, the quackgrass was gone. I don't know whether it was dead or dormant and gone with the rake, but it may be a way to control quackgrass. Worth trying, if you know of anyone with walnut trees (English walnut trees have juglone too). Margaret L > My current garden passions are hostas, daylilies, hardy geraniums, >sedums and iris along with garlic and tomatoes. Quackgrass is the bane of >my existence. > >I look forward to visiting with y'all more often now that the growing season >is under way. > >Terry