Thanks, Penny--sounds like it just might fit the bill! I'll see if I can find it around here. Kelly >Kelly, my neighbor put in a 100 ft fence of what I believe is called >Manhattan Euonymus. It is evergreen, even tho the leaves are rather >large and do look deciduous! Grows like a weed, spreads just as >wide, and if I did not have to prune them back twice a summer, I >would say that they are ideal bushes for a screening. She does not >especially water them, she never fertilizes them, they just grow! >They are planted getting the full brunt of our westerly winds, and >are protected from the direct sun most of the day by the white >pines over their heads. > >Penny, NY > > > > >. > > >________________________________________________________________ >The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! >Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! >Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!