Left for work about 0630 this morning and by 0700 a tremendous thunderstorm with high, straight line winds blew through the area. Dumped almost two inches of rain in about one hour and blew our fig tree over. We needed the rain and the fig tree has been blown over before. Fig trees tend to grow leaning in one direction unless heavily pruned into a semi-upright tree. This one will get pruned back after it finishes bearing and two leaders on one side will get the pruning saw. Figs have very shallow roots anyway and are easy to knock or blow over. That's one of the reasons extension agents in hot areas recommend a six inch deep mulch out to the tree line. They also require a minimum of 35 gallons of water per week per diameter inch of the main trunk. In our case only three inches as it has been frozen to the ground at least twice. Take a lot of care around here do fig trees but the fruit they bear is worth it to us. Visions of fig preserves, fig jam, fig conserve, fig syrup, maybe even fig wine dance in our dreams. B-) Garden is producing well, getting a couple of quarts of green beans about every other day and more cukes than we can eat on a daily basis. The pickling cukes are coming in now and I'm looking forward to a big mess of sweet pickles and making sweet pickle relish. The hot chiles are producing rapidly and starting to ripen while the mild ones are producing huges chiles and the sweet ones (bell type) are just now blooming. Eggplant is almost a daily occurence and yesterday I used a couple of small zukes from the store, some 1015 sweet onion, two Ichiban eggplant, and a bag of frozen tomatoes from last year to make a nice ratatouille. Today we had green beans, leftover ratatouille and barbecued pork ribs for our dinner and are lying around enjoying the greenery viewed through the patio door. Life is good. George