Just got in about 30 minutes ago from Houston. Left here about 9:30 this morning and helped the eldest grandson and his lady set up a park pavillion for their wedding and then attended the wedding. We furnished red, hidden, and butterfly ginger blooms for the altar plus other plants, flowers, and ferns. All picked fresh from our gardens this morning. Granddaughter-in-law and one of her friends did the rest of the decorating and did a jam up job in going Hawaiian. Miz Anne made herself an outfit yesterday of flowered bellbottom flowing trousers and a red top to go with it, she wore a straw hat with a fern crown around the brim. I wore my red, white, and blue flowered Hawaiian shirt, khaki trousers, and my summer hat with the flowered hat band around it. Bride wore a skintight blue satin looking outfit and the groom wore slacks and a blue and white Hawaiian shirt. Their little girl wore a flowered dress with matching scarf and carried the rings. Both of our children and their children were there so we had a mini reunion too. A good time was had by all of the 60 or 70 friends and relatives of the bridal couple and we came home exhausted. I think the flowers contributed to the gardening content but just in case, our green beans, cucumbers and squash are still producing like crazy and the heat is around 100F daily with a 96% humidity. Life is bery, bery good. George