[tomato] Some English varieties

Kim Van Scoy (Tomato@GlobalGarden.com)
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 21:24:28 -0500

Many thanks to those who responded with suggestions for my
garden next year.  The joy of growing so many types of tomatoes is
that depending upon where we live (I'm zone 4) and our own personal
tastes we can have such different results with thesame varieties.  
Isn't that what makes gardening so great.  

I do have a few questions which I'm hoping some of you can help
with.  Recently we got some tomato seeds from my brother-in-law 
in England (we lived there before re-locating to WI two years ago). 
When we were in England we were avid tomato growers although 
quite restricted to growing under glass (i.e. greenhouse).  WI is 
wonderful because although it is much colder in winter, the summers
are superb for tomatoes!!!!!

I am not familiar with any of these varieties from England.  Some are
hybrid and some not.  Have any of you folks had experience with these??

1) Alisa Craig - Supposedly an old variety.  We've grown Alisa Criag 
onions but never tomatoes.  These look to be red with green shoulders.

2) Tigerella - Supposedly a golf ball sized striped fruit (red with yellow?).

3) San Marzano - look to be a roma type.  Claims to be for bottling (i.e.
thats English for canning). 

4) Hybrid Sungold- looks to be a yellow cherry tomato. Claims to be the
sweetest tastiest tomato ever- (I'm afraid I'm a skeptic here).

5) Green Grape - Labelled as Experimental TM/MO5.   Supposedly 
hangs in clusters like Muscat grapes. 

Any info you folks can give me is much appreciated.  Also I remember 
talking to a friend from England who suggested it is very difficult to 
get heirloom seeds there due to having to be on the "National List".
Do any of you know what that is?  I'm curious to know if any one on this
list are from England.  If so would you like to share seeds?   We'd 
love to have a true heritage garden which included some old English 

Again thanks to those who have offered suggestions.    Kim
David Cooper and Kim Van Scoy
"Dandelion Farm"
W8947 Hwy. 12
Fort Atkinson,  WI 53538