Hi Chuck, Your instructions arrived in the digest just in time for me to get it right, this year. It has been several years since I tried to start plants from seed, and those attempts met with little or no success. For this geographic area, I need to start the seeds in about a week. The few times in the past, when I have tried and failed, I was depending on the light from windows. The other problem I had was getting, and keeping, the soil too damp. You have addressed both of those problems for me. I have all the supplies you recommended, and will follow your suggestions "to the letter", in order to get these tomatoes to the garden in strong, healthy condition. In previous years, I was gone from home long hours (leaving home in the dark, and returning in the dark), to be at my work site as school counselor. Since I have retired, now, (though I loved my work) I do have the wonderful luxury of totally flexible activities during daylight hours, and I can give proper attention to the tomatoes this time. These heirloom tomato seeds, and the steps involved to the end result of picking tomatoes from the plants are TOP PRIORITY over other vegetables, and any experiments with soil conditions. I have a good background from being an Iowa farm girl, and continuing with gardening every summer with great results. I know a lot of things that do work, and will not jeopardize my main garden as I conduct experiments with mycorrhiza. My experiments with the mycorrhiza will be an appropriate distance from the other plants, in order to have some degree of validity in the results. I will experiment using some soil that produced great vegetables last summer, as well as, the soil in a raised bed of newly delivered topsoil. I will prepared the newly delivered soil as recommended by the company providing the mycorrhiza product, so as to give the experiment the best chance I can provide. I appreciate your very thorough, step, by step, instructions for success with these seeds. Thank you so much!! Marguerite Ruch