Poppers are a favorite of mine both to fix and to eat. I use egg and a little milk, just like you were making scrambled eggs, then dip the poppers in the egg and then in Italian bread crumbs. If the coating falls off, you may be moving the poppers too soon after you get them in the frying pan. I only turn them once or twice and I don't touch them until they are visibly browning, then I roll them over by pushing them with a fork or I grasp them in a pair of tongs and turn them that way. No matter how I do it some of the bread/egg coating will fall off. While we're on the subject of poppers, I stuff mine with either shrimp, ham, chicken or sausage and always some grated very sharp cheddar and/or jack cheese. Before serving, I cover them with salsa (Rio Diablo Mesquite Smoked is my commercial favorite) and parmesan. I get lotsa compliments on my poppers so give it a whirl and enjoy!! BTW, don't toss the egg. I always prepare more stuffing than I need and while the pan is still hot, I quick fry the left over egg then sprinkle some of the stuffing over the egg and make the best damn omelet this side of ....... umm, this side of......, well, never mind - its just excellent as a complement to the poppers. Dayton Skelly wrote: > I'm trying to find out how to put that nice coating on the jalapenos > like you get in the resturants. The 2 ways I've tried have been putting > them in milk than a cornmeal mixture. Last night tried dipping them in > egg than breadcrumbs than frying them in oil. Coating just falls off. > Anyone help me? Ant idea what I'm doing wrong or any "Popper" recipes. > Thanking everyone in advance. > HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL!